Thursday, May 31, 2012

Dear students
project 2 presentaions schedule  with rooms is updated.


Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Proceedings template (2 pages) to be submitted todaywednesday (30/05/2012)

Dear Students,

I remind you that you should submit the proceeding template (2 pages) today, as requested a couple of weeks ago, and indicated in the seminar.

G.P Coordinator

**REMINDER** Project-2 Documentation Submission Instructions

Dear students,

I would like to remind you that the submission of Project-2 documentation (user manual + report + CD + fancy copy) is due to tomorrow wednesday 30/05/2012.

Time: From 10:00am to 1:30pm
Location: Building 20, second floor, room 86: Instrc. Nada.
Copies: 4 hard copies: 
  • 1 copy should be given to your supervisor. You MUST give it directly to your supervisor.
  • 3 copies to be given to Instr. Nada (room 86): 2 copies are for your committee members, and the last copy is for the GP coordinator.
Fancy copy: Should be submitted to Instrc. Nada. 

4 CDs: Each CD should include all project delivrables (user manual + report + source code). Each CD should be included with each hard copy of your project.

Since other academic staff may be interested in reading your project documentation , I kindly ask you to submit  the soft copy of your project delivrables to The subject of your email should include the following information:
  • Group Number.
  • Project Number.
  • Project Title.
  • Supervisor Name.
Late submissions of project delivrables (due to tomorrow wednesday, 30/06/2012) will be penalized as follows:
  • Hard copies: - 2 marks 
  • Soft copy: - 1 mark 
ONLY fancy copy could be submitted on saturday 02/06/2012 from 11:00-12:00 at room 86, and if we do not receive it by saturday, you will be severely penalized (- 4 marks). 

Submission instructions of 2 pages proceedings and project presentation will be announced tomorrow inshaALLAH.

Do not forget to install your software in the Labs as indicated 3 weeks ago.
Thank you for your cooperation.

Good luck,

G.P Coordinator

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Project-2 submission deadline: Wednesday 30/05/2012​

Dear Students,

Project-2 submission deadline has been postponed to Wednesday 30/05/2012.

Keep on checking the blog for the submission instructions..

Good luck!

G.P Coordinator

Project-2 Examination Schedule and Presentation Instructions.

Dear Students,

Please download Project-2 examination schedule with assigned Lab/Room numbers.

I would like to remind that you should be on premises an hour in advance and should set up your equipment. 

Guests are welcome during presentation only and are not allowed to stay in the labs during discussion session.

Examination time is 50 minutes: Presentation time should not exceed 30 minutes and discussion time is about 20 minutes.

Asked questions can be related to anything about the software (analysis, design, implementation, testing, etc). Supervisor should not intervene in discussion unless necessary.

Good luck,

G.P2 assistant
Dear students,

 photocopy of fancy copy is uploaded
fancy copy
GP2 assistant

Monday, May 21, 2012

Dear students,
 submit the fancy copy with the deliverables . .
GP2 assistant

Dear students,

regarding the format of the document: font size and styles headings. Please follow this  Template

GP2 assistant,

Dear Students,

Concerning Project-2 submission (documentation + software installation,) if you need special equipment for your Project-2 presentation, contact technician  Ebtisam aldifery as soon as possible. 

Deadline to receive your requests: Sunday 27 May.

G.P assistant

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

GP2 deliverable  samples:

 ITCurr sample:
user manual

user manual

GP2 assistant
Dear students
project 2 presentation schedule is updated

updated schedule

GP2 assistant

Monday, May 14, 2012

Dear students
project 2 presentaions schedule is updated.

updated schedule

gp2 assistant

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Special session to help you prepare for your GP presentation

Dear students,

As announced previously, to help you prepare for your final presentations, we have recent graduates from last year's projects sharing their tips for oral examinations of projects 1 and 2.

Join us tomorrow Sunday, May 13th 12-1pm in room 17 in building 20.

Many thanks to Dr. Areej for her precious contribution to organize great events for GP students !

G.P Coordinator

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Dear students
project 2 presentation schedule is uploaded

Project 2 Presentation schedule

GP2 assistant

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Dear Students,

In order to setup the presentations schedule, I kindly ask the team leader of each group to send us the following information

In your email subject, you must include: Team number + Project Number + Supervisor

attach word document contains: 

1. Logo of your  project
2. The name of the project

please send  information before  Wednesday   8-May-2012

Gp2 assistant