In order to improve the quality of our IT program and our students' experience, we would like to invite you to the department SWOT workshop. The aim of the workshop is to evaluate the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats involved in our IT academic venture.
Attendance is compulsory, at least 2 students from each group should attend.
Date: Saturday 24th October
Time: 1-3
الملتقى العلمي مبى 4 الدور الأول - مقابل سامبا
(for more information, please contact Lect. Eihal)
(for more information, please contact Lect. Eihal)
Thank you for your cooperation,
The department QA team
السلام عليكم
ReplyDeleteDr.Lailac said that there will be a "Thank you certificate" for those who attended the workshop
how can we get it?