Friday, December 25, 2009

Would you like project1 and project2 to be merged in one course?

Dear CAP497 Students,
We would like to know your opinion on the option of merging project 1 and project 2 in one semester, and removing college courses to the previous two semesters.

Please follow this link to fill the questionnaire (it will take approximately 5 mintues to complete)

Thank you,
Dr. Maha

Monday, December 14, 2009

Guest Speaker- Seminar-2

Dear Project 2 Students,

I hope all is well with your projects. We are all excited and looking forward to your final presentaions.

It is my pleasure to annouce that we will have a guest speaker on computing ethics comming to our department. Please reserve the following dates in your calendar:

23/1/1431 == 9 January 2010 (Time 12-1)
1/2/1431 == 16 January 2010 (Time 12-1)

Thank you,
Dr. Maha

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Project Submission Deadlines

You are required to submit your project 2 documentation on
Day: Wednesday 12-2-1431/ 27-Jan-2010
Time: by 12:00 noon
Location: to be announced

Please follow the guidelines for report preparation given by your supervisor

The software release should be installed on our lab computers/ available online by:
Monday 17-2-1431/1-Feb-2010

Will take place on the week commencing 22-2-1431/6-Feb-2010 (Saturday and Sunday)

If you have any final exams on any of these days, please inform the GP coordinator as soon as possible.

Good Luck to all

المؤتمر العلمي الأول لطلاب وطالبات التعليم العالي- دعوة للمشاركة

Please try to participate in this local conference with your graduation project. It will be a great opportunity to gain experience in conference participation, and will be a good addition to your academic achievements.

Please submit a soft copy of your project-1 report to Dr. Hanan Hosni as soon as possible, in doc format no later than Dec. 7th.

Here are the conference links:

Good Luck to all

Monday, November 2, 2009

DMC correspondence

Dear students,

If you would like to participate in the Imagine Cup 2010 competition, or have any questions, please email Bushra AlAhmadi, member of DMC, at:


Sunday, November 1, 2009

Imagine cup 2010 (DMC)

Dear girls,

Tomorrow, the Digital Minds Club (DMC) is hosting the Imagine Cup 2010 event. The academic developer program manager will be there to explain the competition to attendees. Then on Tuesday, DMC will be discussing projects and some hepful tools.

For more information, check the following link:


Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Graduation Students SWOT workshop

Dear Graduation students,

In order to improve the quality of our IT program and our students' experience, we would like to invite you to the department SWOT workshop. The aim of the workshop is to evaluate the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats involved in our IT academic venture.

Attendance is compulsory, at least 2 students from each group should attend.

Date: Saturday 24th October
Time: 1-3
الملتقى العلمي مبى 4 الدور الأول - مقابل سامبا
(for more information, please contact Lect. Eihal)

Thank you for your cooperation,
The department QA team

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Course Seminars

Welcome to CAP497
This semester we will be having seminars during the term. The main objective of these seminars is to inform students of general rules and regulations about project-2.

Seminar-1 Schedule:

Groups 3,4
Date: Sunday 25th October 12:00-1:00
Loctaion: Building 3- Theatre lecture hall (Recreation Center)

Groups 1,2
Date: Tuesday 27th October 11-12
Loctaion: Building 3- Theatre lecture hall (Recreation Center)

Attendance is compulsory

See you all there inshaALLAH
Dr. Maha Al-Yahya