Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Project-2 Schedule.

Dear Students,

Unfortunately, the schedule is still under review and you may be scheduled at any time slot, any day. So, I kindly ask you ALL to be prepared to be examined on saturday in case something happens at the last moment. Unfortunately, there are lot of conflicts from supervisors, committees members and some students (who have exams)... I;m still receiving requests to update the schedule until now wednesday 11:00 pm.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation. InshaAllah it will be announced tomorrow morning before 12:00pm.

Good luck,

G.P Coordinator

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Special Equipment Requirements and Presentation Instructions

Dear Students,

I would like to remind you that the software release should be installed on our lab computers/available online by: 15/06/2011.

Labs are going to be assigned by Cony. If you need special equipment for your Project-2 presentation or software installation, please contact her before Wednesday June 15th, 2011. Also, you should contact Cony if you need two projectors during your presentation.

Please make sure that you put a label on the PC where you installed your software, before the presentation. The label should include:

1- Project Title
2- Group Number
3- Supervisor Name

Please do not change the labs assigned to you by Cony.

Good luck,

G.P Coordinator

Project-2 Documentation Submission.

Dear students,

I would like to remind you that the submission of Project-2 documentation is due to tomorrow Tuesday 14/06/2011.

Time: From 10:00am to 1:30pm.

Location: Building 20, second floor, room 94.

Final Documentation and User Manual Copies: 4 hard copies to be handed in by one of the group members: One copy is for your supervisor, two copies are for your committee members, and the last copy is for the projects coordinator.

CD: 4 CDs including the following:

a. Final Documentation
b. User Manual
c. Software Installation if desktop application.
d. Source Code of your application.

Website URL If you developed a website, you sould submit the its URL to the committee members before June 16th, 2011. The subject of your email should include the following information:

a. Group Number.
b. Project Number.
c. Project Title.
d. Supervisor Name

Presentation Your presentation sould be sent to the committee members immediately after finishing your examination. Late submissions will be penalized. The subject of your email should include the same details indicated above (Website URL submission).

Also, for ABET Accreditation special requirements, it is mandatory to submit soft copy of your final documentation, user manual, and presentation to the following emails:


The subject of your email should include the same details indicated above.

I remind you that it is mandatory to respect the submission deadline of all deliverables, otherwise you will be severely penalized (-4 marks). So don't be late because severe penality will be applied this semester.

Thank you for your cooperation.

Good luck,

G.P Coordinator

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Intellectual Property (IP) Seminar (Project-1 Students & Project-2 Students)

Dear Students,
As part of the graduation projects seminars, we will have a seminar on intellectual property rights, and publications related to graduation projects.

Date: Saturday, May 21st 2011.
Time: 12:00pm-1:00pm.
Location: Room 17, Building 20.

Our guest speakers are: Dr Lilac, Ms.Wajan Almosaad, and Ms.Reham Ghuraibi.

On behalf all our IT staff, I would like to thank very much Dr. Norma for her great and valuable efforts and contribution to promote IP awareness, review the previous graduation projects reports potential publication/commercialization, and initiate our contact with KSU's IPTL program.

Also, special thanks to Dr. Areej for her commitment, availability and great efforts to arrange this event.

Attendance is mandatory.

See you there!

G.P Coordinator

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Dry Run for student projects accepted for presentation in the Zayed University Undergraduate Research Conference.

Dear Students,

You are invited to attend a Dry Run for student projects accepted for presentation in the Zayed University Undergraduate Research Conference.

Please join us Saturday 1:30pm-3:00pm in Room 17 of Building 20.

Attendance is mandatory

However, you can attend at anytime, and sign for attendance.

The program will include presentations for:

- Projects accepted for Platform presentations
- Poster presentations

See you there!

G.P Coordinator

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Revised Project-2 Committees.

Dear Students,

I kindly ask you to download revised Project-2 committees.

Best regards,

G.P Coordinator

Saturday, February 26, 2011

The Zayed University annual conference for undergraduate students: Call for participation

Dear Students,

On behalf Dr. Areej, I would like to invite you to consider the following opportunity for publishing your project:

Call for Papers: Zayed University is pleased to host the Third Annual Conference on Undergraduate Research on Applied Computing (URC2011). The objective of this conference is to provide a forum for undergraduate students to present their ideas and interact with other young researchers from educational institutions in the UAE, other GCC countries, and the rest of the Arab world, as well as expert faculty and leaders from the IT industry. So, if you are an undergraduate student (in UAE, GCC countries, other Arab countries) working on a final year project or doing research in any computing field, you are encouraged to submit an abstract for oral or poster presentation. All submissions will be reviewed by expert faculty and feedback will be provided to all submissions.

Undergraduate Research Conference on Applied Computing
Zayed University, Dubai Campus
May 4 - 5, 2011

Important Dates:
Abstract Submission: February 27, 2011
Notification of Acceptance: March 20, 2011

Submission Guidelines:
Please submit a 500-word abstract describing your final year project or on-going project work. Please follow these guidelines:

- The deadline for abstract submissions (February 27, 2011)
- All submissions must be written in English
- You may have one or more co-authors, but the first author must be an undergraduate student
- Use the MS Word template (check URC2011 website) for your submission (for oral and poster presentations)
- All submissions must be made online at Note: If you don't already have an account, sign up for is free and it only takes 2 minutes. Once you login, create a new submission and fill out the necessary information. Please make sure you upload your MS Word (.doc) file containing the abstract. Please use this template for your abstract submission.

Good luck!

G.P Coordinator

Sunday, January 30, 2011


Dear Students,

Please download the FINAL REVISED version of Project-2 examination schedule with Lab/Room number.

Good luck,

G.P Coordinator

Friday, January 28, 2011

***CD including source code required ***

Dear Students,

In addition to the previous post, please note that it is mandatory to submit 1 CD including source code of your application.

Thank you,

G.P Coordinator

Project-2 Documentation Submission.

Dear students,

I would like to remind you that the submission of Project-2 documentation is due to tomorrow saturday 29/01/2011.

Time: from 11:00 to 1:00.

Location: Building 20, second floor, room 94.

5 hard copies to be handed in by one of the group members. One copy is for your supervisor, three copies are for your committee members, and the last copy is for the projects coordinator.

Since other academic staff may be interested in reading your proposals, I kindly ask you to submit (in addition to the hard copies) 1 soft copy to The subject of your email should include the following information:

1- Group Number.
2- Project Number.
3- Project Title.
4- Supervisor Name.

I remind you that it is mandatory to submit the soft copy and to respect the submission deadline. (-1pt if done late).

Also, late submission of hard copies will be severely penalized (-4pts). You have to respect the deadline because committees members have to examine 6 reports in a very short time. So don't be late because severe penality will be applied this semester.

Thank you for your cooperation.

Good luck,

G.P Coordinator

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Project-2 Examination Schedule and Presentation Instructions.

Dear Students,

Please download Project-2 examination schedule with assigned Lab/Room numbers.

I would like to remind that you should be on premises an hour in advance and should set up your equipment.

Guests are welcome during presentation only and are not allowed to stay in the labs during discussion session.

Examination time is 50 minutes: Presentation time should not exceed 30 minutes and discussion time is about 20 minutes.

Asked questions can be related to anything about the software (analysis, design, implementation, testing, etc). Supervisor should not intervene in discussion unless necessary.

Good luck,

G.P Coordinator

Instructions for software installation.

Dear Students,

I would like to remind you that the software release should be installed on our lab computers/ available online by: 29/01/2011 and 30/01/2011.

If you need special requirement for your presentation, and the room or lab is not suitable, you should inform Cony as soon as possible and before monday 31/01/2011.

You can install your software in BL 3 starting from 26/01/2011. In case your software is not compatible with Windows XP, and you need Win 7 you have to inform Cony so that she will assign computers in BL 1. Also, you should contact her if you need two projectors during your presentation.

Please make sure that you put a label on the PC where you installed your software, before the presentation. The label should include:

1- Project Title
2- Group Number
3- Supervisor Name

Please do not change the labs assigned to you by Cony.

Keep on checking the blog for other news..

Good luck,

G.P Coordinator

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Special equipment requirements

Dear Students,

Concerning Project-2 submission (documentation + software installation,) if you need special equipment for your Project-2 presentation, contact Cony as soon as possible.

Deadline to receive your requests: Tuesday 25 January 2011.

G.P Coordinator

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Project-2 Schedule.

Dear Students,

Please upload Projet-2 presentations schedule. Email me at: if you have some constraints. If I don't receive any request by tomorrow 12:00pm I will consider that this version is FINAL and (no further update).

Keep on checking last news these days..

Good luck,

G.P Coordinator.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

**Project-2 submission postponed **

Dear students,

Please note that Project-2 submission deadline has been postponed as follows:

- Submission: Saturday January 29th, 2011.
- Presentations: Monday January 31th, 2011 and Tuesday 1 February 1st, 2011.

Software installation must be accomplished on January 29th and 30th, 2011.

It is mandatory to have your software available in our labs at on 30 January 2011.

G.P Coordinator