Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Proceedings template (2 pages) to be submitted todaywednesday (30/05/2012)

Dear Students,

I remind you that you should submit the proceeding template (2 pages) today, as requested a couple of weeks ago, and indicated in the seminar.

G.P Coordinator


  1. Are you serios, just before the submission by minutes you announce to submit the proceeding today, are we playing a game here or submitting a GRADUATING PROJECT

    if I'm at the university now what should I do?!

    Do you know something called management? if you are a busy person and don't have time to manage the project, please don't be responsible of something your not capable of !

  2. I just wonder why you wrote 2 pages in highlight , the template does not contain any instruction about the limit, I have done 7 pages , what shall I do now ?

    tired from the unexpected announcement , what next?

  3. Excuse me!!!
    we already submitted the document without the proceedings! coz u didn't announce anything yesterday regarding the proceedings.

  4. الحين ايش حتخسرو لو نزلتو الاعلان امس
    حسبي الله ونعم الوكيل
